Friday, February 17, 2012

I have to admit I'm tired and a little bit jealous.

What am I jealous of ? Maybe jealous isn't the word to use. Envious, thats the one I want. I'm envious of all those couples I know (or read about) who seem to be on the same page as each other. You know the ones, she says lets have twelve kids and live in the woods and he say okay. Or he says lets I wanna be no impact man and she goes along with it (even though it means giving up he daily latte).

I love my man but I'm so tired of being at odds with him. We have entireley different ways of seeing the world. We work in completly different manners. Even our approach to cleaning is pretty much opposite.
He's currently in the midst of a big project. A project he's made even bigger than it needs to be. He can't seem to do anything just a little bit. Every thing has to be the biggest, the most outrageous. Me, I like moderate....

I grow weary of feeling like every minute of every day has to be compromised. I'd like to drasticly reduce the amout of sugar in my household but that won't fly due to his Mt. Dew habit. I'd like to have a bit of time every week to work on my projects (crafting, sewing, whatever) without the kids underfoot and in my hair. I'd like a little more fairness.

I read so many blogs about lovely families that work well together and seem to be on the same path together and I wish so badly that I could be like them. I realize they aren't posting arguements and dirty laundry, but they still seem more, well, together then we manage most of the time. I realize it requires effort but, seriously, is it that hard?